Modus Hong Kong


Invest in the UK property market from Hong Kong

Growing a profitable cash generating property portfolio in the UK can be time consuming and complicated. Our team based in Hong Kong takes away these challenges for you by offering an end to end property portfolio building service that generates monthly cash flow and capital growth. We have a fantastic team based in Hong Kong which means you can meet a member of our team at your convenience.

Modus Group offers UK property investment training, sourcing and development opportunities. Within theModus Group we also have property specialist Chartered Accountancy firm to help you setting up and managing your UK limited company as well as providing tax advice and assistance with raising competitive UK finance rates. Modus operates in the South of the UK (primarily Oxford and London) for capital growth and the North of England (Yorkshire) for cashflow.  

With over 15 years experience in the industry, our solid track record of delivering assets has helped many investors grow their asset base and achieve fantastic returns. The opportunity for UK property investment is vast, with low interest rates, BREXIT opportunities, and a stable property market and legal system; now is the time to start or increase your UK property portfolio.  

We are here to guide you through the process every step of the way, with a bespoke package to help you achieve your financial goals. For more information or to book a complimentary UK property discovering meeting with one of our team please call the number below or click the link.

We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to the Modus family.


若在英國發展一個有利可圖及持續增長的房地產投資組合可能是一件既耗時又復雜的事宜,許多人會為之卻步。 我們駐香港的團隊會為您解決這些挑戰,透過提供點對點的房地產投資組合服務為 您的資本増值同時助您產生每月的現金流。我們在香港擁有一支出色的團隊,隨時與您分享及提供專業意見

Modus集團提供英國房地產投資培訓,採購和發展的機遇。 集團內,我們還有一所房產專家的特許會計師事務所,可以幫助您設立及管理您所屬的英國有限公司,並提供稅務諮詢和及協助,從而提高更具競爭力的英國財務利率。 Modus 在英國南部的運營(主要是牛津和倫敦)用作增加資本,而在英格蘭北部的運營(約克郡)作為獲取現金流。

英國房產投資的機會十分廣闊,它具有低利率,英國脫歐的機會以及穩定的房地產市場和法律制度; 現在是時候開始或增加您的英國房產投資組合了。憑藉超過15年的行業經驗及穩健的業績,已經幫助了許多投資者增加他們的資產基礎,實現夢幻般的回報。




As a foreign investor I feel safe that the whole process is taken care of by your professional and friendly team. Your network and knowledge is invaluable.


Property Investor

Upcoming Webinars:

Throughout the year we host regular webinars.

New To Investing? – Let Me Show You What You Should Be Looking Out For In 2020 

Date: 25th March 2020

Time: 1pm HKT (5am GMT) 

& 9pm HKT (1pm GMT)

Desire More Time In Life? Buy UK Assets To Create Financial Freedom

Date: 30th March 2020

Time: 1pm HKT (6am BST)

& 8pm HKT (1pm BST)




Get in touch

Modus Property Limited

Modus House, 100a Wakefield Road, Lepton, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, HD8 0DL

Phone: +44 (0)1484 971065



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